If you don’t have time to make it to a gym or class, you can do quick body-weight workouts at the comfort of your own home.
Today I’m sharing my favorite no-equipment arm workout.
This arm workout also works your shoulders and back, making it a great upper body workout. I also have Leg, Core and Full Body exercises that are easy-to-follow that you can do at home with no equipment required.
Let’s get those arms toned!
At-Home Bodyweight Arm Workout
No equipment needed
Complete the below circuit twice with little-no-rest in between each exercise. For a challenge, complete a total of 4 rounds instead of 2.
Scroll Down below for full descriptions and modifications.
Quick Warmup: Plank Walk-out
In standing, lower your arms to the ground while keeping your legs straight. Land so that your body is in a V shape by placing your hands flat on the floor just ahead of your feet. Walk your right hand forward and then your left and keep walking them out until you get to a straight arm plank position. Now walk your hands back and lift back up to standing. Repeat 10 times. To advance this warm-up, add in a push-up.
Complete the below circuit twice with little to no rest in between
Plank-to-Push Up
Start in a straight arm plank with hands stacked under shoulders and core engaged. Bring your left forearm down to the ground and stack your elbow under your shoulders, as if you were going to come down to a forearm plank. Then do the same for the right arm so that you are now in a forearm plank position. Holding the forearm plank position, start by placing your left hand under your left shoulder to come back up to straight arm plank and then do the same with your right hand to get you back in a straight arm plank positon. Repeat with your right arm starting first and right hand first to lift. Do 10 total, alternating which arm leads each time. To modify, do this on your knees.
Tricep Dips
Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor, hands on the floor behind you with fingers pointing toward your body. Keeping your abdominal muscles tight, lift your hips off floor. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body close to the floor. Extend your arms straight to a tricep extension. Repeat 15 times.
Superman + Lat Pull-down
Lie facedown on the floor with your chest lifted and arms lifted out straight in-front of you. Next, bend your elbows to your sides in until your hands are by your chest and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Press your arms away from you until your arms are straight again. Return to start. Repeat 15 times. For more of a challenge do this move with your legs lifted off the floor.
Side Plank Hold
Start in a straight arm plank with hands stacked under shoulders and core engaged. Keeping your body straight, raise your left arm up to the ceiling while turning your left hip up so that you are balancing on your right hand only, forming a T shape. You can stack your left leg on top of your right or keep your left leg slightly forward with your left foot on the ground for more support. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Switch sides and hold for 20 seconds. To modify, come done to your knees.
Arm Circles
Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold your arms straight out to your sides at shoulder height. Without shrugging your shoulders, move your arms in tiny little circles as fast as you can 25 times forward and then 25 times backwards.
Repeat circuit twice and then cool down with a quick stretch.
I’d love to hear what you think!
I’m open to suggestions/feedback or questions. Feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me an email: fitgreengal@gmail.com