This Core Workout is a short but effective circuit exercise that should be done using a mat for back support.
Complete exercises 1 through 4 with little-to-no rest in between. Rest for 30 seconds and then repeat the same circuit 4 times.
Quick Warm-up – Forearm Plank
Start in a forearm plank position with elbows stacked under your shoulders, forearms to the ground, and hands in a fist. Hold for 30 seconds. Make sure to keep your core engaged and back flat. Stay in your forearm plank position and transition next into forearm plank hip dips.
1. Plank Hip Dips
Start in a forearm plank position. While keeping your abs engaged and back flat, turn your right hip toward the floor as if you were going to tap it to the ground. Return to your forearm plank position. While keeping your abs engaged and back flat, turn your left hip toward the floor as if you were going to tap it to the ground. Return to your forearm plank position. Repeat this 10 times (for a total of 20 dips).
2. Plank to Pushup
Start in a straight arm plank with hands stacked under your shoulders, core engaged, and back flat. Bring your left forearm down to the ground and stack your elbow under your shoulder, as if you were going to come down to a forearm plank. Then do the same for the right arm so that you are now in a forearm plank position. Holding the forearm plank position, start by placing your left hand under your left shoulder and then place your right hand under your right shoulder to get you back in a straight arm plank position. Do this same move again, this time with your right arm starting first and right hand first to lift. Repeat this 5 times for a total of 10 plank to push-ups. To modify, these can be done on your knees.
3. Toe Touches
Start by laying on your back. Lift your right leg straight up towards the sky and hover your left leg straight off the floor. Lift your left shoulder off the ground while reaching your left hand to tap as close to your right toes as possible. Do this 15 times in a row. Repeat on the other side for 15 reps. This exercise can be modified by slightly bending the leg that’s up or by keeping the bottom leg on the ground.
4. Bicycle Crunches
Start by laying down on your back with your hands under your head. Keeping your left leg straight, lift it slightly off the ground. Bring your right knee in and lift your left shoulder off the ground while turning your shoulder so that your left elbow meets your right knee. Now switch by touching your right elbow to your left knee while straightening your right leg and keeping it hovered off the ground. Repeat 10 times for a total of 20 bicycle crunches.
Rest for 30 seconds and repeat exercises 1 through 4